Monday, January 24, 2011

Last summer - constructing the koi pond

Looking back to last summer, the construction of our koi pond was one of the highlights. We had asked for a medium size pond - at least 4 ft. deep, and suitable for overwintering koi in our mild (most of the time) coastal climate.
The guys from Garden Culture did an amazing job. We had also requested that they attempt to save as many of the plants in situ as possible (out of respect to my Mum who wanted the site minimally disturbed). Not an easy feat given our heavy clay soil. They even successfully re-located a tree (parotia I believe).
The koi and various goldfish provided visual entertainment all summer, and the koi pond quickly became the favourite place in the garden to sit and relax. The cats were curious, but did not venture out beyond the edge of the pond to enjoy a cool drink. Ozzie mistakenly trod on a lilly pad and took a dip one morning, but emerged none the worse for wear, and a little wiser! We kept the herons and raccoons at bay with a clever layout of pavers and boulders, and the koi appeared to sense when there was danger (causing them to dive to the bottom and hide).
Now it is January, and all is quiet. The koi are sleeping out of our sight, sheltered by the pavers, waiting for longer daylight hours, and warmer weather. As the rain drives against the window panes and the wind howls,we dream of those leisurely summer days relaxing on the patio by the koi pond. Winter gardening has its moments, but few can compare to the sweet sound of the tiny waterfall on a hot summer evening aerating our pond - full of koi, colour, pond plants, and dragonflys, water boatmen, hummingbirds, and teeming with life. Can't wait!

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